Update from the January 2016 meeting of the Transportation, Communications and Public Works Committee of the League of California Cities. Transportation funding is a critical issue this legislative session in addition to homelessness and affordable housing. There are presently three transportation funding packages in play: the Governor’s budget proposal, Senator Beall’s SB 16/ABx1-1, and the […]
MMANC Event on Creating Sustainable Communities: How local and regional governments are combatting climate change
Governor Brown’s participation in the recent United Nations conference on climate change in Paris highlighted California as a leader in climate change and sustainability efforts. A recent op-ed in the Sacramento Bee from Chris McKenzie, Executive Director of the League of California Cities and Matt Cate, Executive Director of the California State Association of Counties […]
Tiny houses, big challenge
The housing crisis is no secret and no joke. In the Bay Area, low inventory means rents and home prices are astronomical, but not everyone is living on a Google salary and can afford them. This pushes more people to outlying communities, forcing them to commute on clogged highways, increasing pollution and decreasing quality […]
MMANC Podcast: Land Use with Livermore City Manager Marc Roberts
Jenny Haruyama, Assistant City Manager for the City of Livermore, a Municipal Management Association of Northern California (MMANC) Past President, sits down with Livermore City Manager Marc Roberts to discuss Marc’s career and emerging issues relating to land use. The interview was conducted in person on October 15, 2015 at the 65th Annual MMANC […]
Walkable City and the Millennial: Introducing the New MMANC Book Club
Housing and community are hot topics in the media today for good reasons. Have you seen the price of housing and rent in urban areas rise in recent years? The price of housing has led to new development further and further away from our work. I’ve seen it and experience it first-hand. I’ve seen […]
The League’s Message on Massage Businesses
IN THE NEWS At the start of the new year, AB 1147 (Bonilla) went into effect, giving back California’s cities and counties the authority to regulate massage therapy businesses. In the March 2015 issue of Western City, legislative representative Kirstin Kolpitcke provides a briefing on the legislation and what it means for municipalities. Read the […]