MMANC sponsor California Consulting Inc, www.californiaconsulting.org recently secured almost $4 million for the City of Gilroy via the Cal-TRANS Clean California grant program. Cal. Consulting Grant Writer Ilya Malinsky worked closely with City staff to craft the award winning application. The Clean California program was a highly competitive Statewide Program but California Consulting grant writers secured more than $17 million in total for clients across the State. The details of the City of Gilroy award are below:
Caltrans Clean California Local Grant Program
Grant writer: Ilya Malinsky
Award: $3,960,765 for Gourmet Alley and Railroad Street renovation and beautification, and clean-up events.
Awarded March 1, 2022.
This project was a collaboration between the City’s Economic Development and Public Works departments to renovate two unlit alleys in Downtown Gilroy. Both corridors connect to the Gilroy CalTrain station, but are unsafe for pedestrians at night due to lack of lighting and illegal dumping. The grant will fund new lighting, paving, benches, dumpster enclosures, as well as public clean-up events and campaigns.
More details here:
California Consulting is the state’s largest grant writing company and has contracts with approximately 90 public agencies across the State. California Consulting clients include cities, community colleges, special districts, school districts, counties, and many others. Founded in 2004 Cal. Consutling has secured more than $1.6 billion for clients. Cal. Consulting is a proud sponsor of MMANC. www.californiaconsulting.org