Over the last several years, local governments have weathered extraordinarily difficult circumstances.
Govapalooza was created to remedy these harsh times as an event where public servants, professionals, and industry partners can come together to invigorate one another through sharing stories, experiences, and lessons learned.
As a new member of this community of professionals, I felt just that. Rejuvenated.
These past several months have been hard. The work is heavy. Our communities are hurting. And as an empathetic public servant, I really feel that pain. It is tough to find the energy to focus and get work done because of it.
We, public servants, are locked in a battle against an enemy that takes on many different forms and has a growing arsenal of weapons. Public safety. Racial inequity. Poverty. Homelessness. Climate change. A deadly pandemic.
When I had one of the most challenging weeks I’ve ever experienced, Govapalooza felt like a reprieve during a storm. It was a reminder that there are so many other champions and heroes in this battle. My community is not alone. And where we may fail at some things, others have succeeded, and we can learn from them. Where we have prevailed, others may need to take our hand and learn from us.
I am humbled to a part of the first Govapalooza. I hope that it is the first of many to come. And that I can one day have the opportunity to pay forward what I received from it. Inspiration.