Register now for best practices in career development at all levels
Sign up yourself and your team for the free ICMA Coaching Program webinars to boost your career and talent development throughout your organization. Click on the registration links or go to http://icma.org/coachingwebinars. Here are the remaining webinars for calendar 2016.
- Successful Supervision and Leadership 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. PT, Thursday, Sept. 8
- Survival Skills for Managers 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. PT, Thursday, Oct. 20
- Succession Planning and Knowledge Transfer 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. PT, Thursday, Nov. 17 https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3025118598595013889
With Q&A and interactive polling questions, and post-webinar discussion questions, the live webinars are a great way to boost learning and results.
Did you miss a webinar? Tap the high quality digital video recordings.
If you register for a webinar and can’t make it, you’ll receive an automatic notice when the digital recording (including video, PDF of presentation materials, and resources) are available. You can download or stream the recordings on any mp4 player – even go full screen for group viewing.
The three webinars earlier this year earned high ratings. Tap them now at the “Agendas & Archives” tab of http://icma.org/coachingwebinars.
- Thriving as a High Performance Organization (March 10)
- Building Civic Leadership and Community (April 13)
- Ethics in Action (May 19)
Get career development advice and leadership tips from recent Career Compass columns
Access career and leadership development advice from recent Career Compass columns:
- “Building High-Performance Team—What’s the Magic?” (#49)
- “How Do I Benefit From a Coach?” (#48)
- “Leadership Myths Debunked” (#47)
All the Career Compass columns are available at www.icma.org/careercompass.
Are you coming to the ICMA Conference in Kansas City?
If so, there are two great coaching opportunities.
- Speed Coaching 10-11:30 a.m., Sunday, September 25
Be sure to register as a Coach or Coachee in the conference online registration or send an email to [email protected] to participate.
- Being a Great Coach and a Winning Player 12:30-1:45 p.m., Tuesday, September 27
Learn how you can be a catalyst to bring forth the best in others.
More resources to boost your career and team are at http://icma.org/coaching.