Ms. Maria Hurtado was appointed Assistant City Manager for the City of Oxnard, California in May 2015. Ms. Hurtado was previously the Assistant City Manager in Tracy, California serving as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) responsible for special projects and the daily operations of four operating departments: Development Services and Economic Development, Fire, Parks and Community Services, and Public Works. In Tracy, Ms. Hurtado also oversaw the City Clerk’s Office and the Mayor’s Community Youth Support Network program.
Ms. Hurtado serves on the Board of the International Hispanic Network (IHN), is a member of Municipal Management Association of Northern California (MMANC) and International City/County Management Association (ICMA), and sits on the Cal-ICMA Preparing the Next Generation Committee (PNG).
Ms. Hurtado received her Masters in Social Work from San Jose State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the University of California in Santa Cruz.
We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Ms. Hurtado and hear what she had to say about MMANC and how MMANC has helped in her local government career.