On Thursday, July 16 MMANC Region 2 hosted 54 enthusiastic local government professionals for a professional development workshop entitled “Team Leadership: Competencies and Communication.” The workshop was presented by Lisa Johnson of BalancePoint Group with Harris & Associates and focused on helping individuals determine their personal style. The event was hosted by Liz Licursi, Administrative Technician in the City Clerk/City Manager’s Office at The City of Santa Rosa at the City’s incredible Utility Field Operations Building.
Lisa encouraged us to engage immediately by writing down how we would personally apply what we learned and showed a brief video about two leaders, each with a vastly different style, tasked with a seemingly insurmountable challenge. The interactive portion of the workshop started with a survey where we answered questions that helped us determine our personal style as defined by colors: orange, gold, green and blue. We were paired off in our colors and discussed our colors’ strengths, best ways to communicate with us and reflected on what work would be like without each color. What would work be like without any blues? Golds?
The workshop was fun to attend with your team and helped remind us about both the strengths we bring to a team and to appreciate the strengths of your coworkers.
Looking further down the road, the next event for Region 2 will be just after the MMANC Annual Conference in November to harness the excitement of folks connecting at the conference and will feature a mixer in Healdsburg. Stay tuned for more information and thanks to all who came out to enjoy the event in Santa Rosa!