The MMANC Annual Conference Returns to the Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade (pictured at right)
Early-bird registration for the 2015 MMANC Annual Conference has opened! The annual event draws over 250 local government professionals each year. This year’s conference theme is “Creating Connections” and returns to the Embassy Suites – Sacramento Riverfront Promenade from Wednesday, October 14 through Friday, October 16.
This year’s conference is jam-packed with engaging sessions, riveting keynotes and a variety of special activities starting as early as 7 a.m. and running past midnight. Don’t miss the premier conference for local government management professionals in Northern California.
The Pre-Conference Program on Wednesday features the following programs:
Labor Negotiations 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Labor Negotiations and Contract Imposition (CGL)
Organizational Leadership (CGL)
Mobile Workshop: State Capitol Tour and Inside the Governor’s Office (Governor’s Office tour pending availability)
Keynote speakers for this year’s conference features:
Building Partnerships & Creating Connections: The Art of 21st Century Public Management, presented by David E. Fraser, MPA, ED.S., ED.D. Cand. – Adjunct Professor, Public Affairs & Administration California State University, East Bay and Chief of Staff, Office of Supervisor Federal Glover Contra Costa County
Take This Job and . . . Love It. THE BIG IDEA: People who find ways to enjoy their job are more productive. Presented by Lee Silber.Love your job or hate it, the work remains the same–so let’s look for ways to fall back in love with what we do.
They say time flies when you’re having fun, and this is especially true when we are at work. (Conversely, time seems to s-l-o-w down dramatically when people are both bored and uninspired.) Love your job or hate it, the work remains the same–so when we can lead by example and show others how to focus on the positives and remind them of the impact their work can have in their communities, it’s a win for everyone involved.
When we can help others find ways to love what they do we are not only helping them to be more productive in their professional lives, we are also making a difference in their personal lives–because so much of their time (and life) is spent at work. Let’s make others want say, “I’m going to take my job and love it.”
How to Maintain High-Touch Relationships in High-Tech Times. Presented by Sarita Maybin. From Facebook to email and texting, technology has taken over as the primary means of communication. Yet conversations are still a crucial part of relationship-building, both professionally and personally. This upbeat presentation will provide real-life strategies for maintaining “high-touch” relationships while taking advantage of the innovations of “high-tech” times.
Sarita will cover:
How to compose reader-friendly emails that cause people to respond
High-Tech Checklist: Find out whether your cell phone behavior is respectful or rude
3 clues that you should choose to call rather than email or text
Text Talk: Cracking the code of cross-generational communication
Sarita’s Survey: What the tech savvy suggest for staying connected
Topics for this year’s sessions cover a range of issues being led by subject matter experts. Topics include:
Disaster Recovery: Harnessing the Power of Community
Dealing with Deferred Maintenance
ED for Dummies / Business Incubation and Attraction
Running a Successful Meeting / Consensus Gaining / Team Building
And Not A Drop To Drink… Public Agency Responding to Drought
Demystifying Land Use and Planning: Why Should I Care?
Data Visualization / Infographics
Attracting/Retaining High-Quality Employees
Managing Advisory Bodies and Relationships with Elected Officials
Recruiter Career Resuscitation (Special Session)
Mobile Workshop: Take Me to the River – West Sacramento Bridge District
TED Talk Series: Putting the Service Back in Public Service
TED Talk Series: Mastering the Elements

For the first time, the Annual Conference will feature a 5K Run & 3K Walk with prizes and giveaways following the run/walk along the Sacramento River
Special Programs and Activities throughout the conference include:
Nosh and Networking
Trivia Night
Co-Mentoring & Mentoring Matters
Maximizing Your Potential with MMANC
Credentialed Local Government (CGL) 101
Launch of the MMANC Book Club
Evening Reception at Ten22 Restaurant in Oldtown Sacramento
Karaoke Night
Sacramento River 5K Run / 3K Walk. Run times will not be tracked. All experience levels welcomed. Participants will receive a free gift.
We hope you’ll join us for the conference! A more detailed schedule will be released by August. Register by July 31 to take advantage of Early Bird Registration Rates. Register at www.mmanc.org/conference
Special thanks to the Annual Conference Planning Committee members and our Conference Sponsors: USC Price, Kaiser Permanente, Republic Services, City of Sacramento and City of Elk Grove.