Work from home and skip a shower: Hayward Mayor’s joke is no laughing matter as cities struggle to conserve water.
Mayor Barbara Halliday said she has been known to forsake a shower, but only if she plans to spend the entire day at home. The idea is just another of many for residents to conserve water during the state’s enduring drought.
“Maybe we can start a stay-at-home, work-at-home, skip-a-shower day?” Halliday joked Tuesday night as the Hayward City Council applied to own conservation plan additional cutbacks prescribed last week by Gov. Jerry Brown’s executive order to reduce statewide water usage by 25 percent.
The amendments to Hayward’s existing Water Shortage Contingency Plan include a prohibition on watering lawns and ornamental landscapes during and within 48 hours since the last rainfall, an instruction to restaurants and bars to only provide water when a customer specifically asks for it, and for hotels in Hayward to notify guests of an option to not launder their towels and linens.
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