The Municipal Management Association of Northern California (MMANC) is excited to present a new format for the 2015 Women’s Leadership Summit. The theme this year is “Communicating with Credibility: Establish, Maintain and Advance Your Career”. The April 30th event will be held at Parkside Hall in San Jose.
MMANC will kick off the day with panel discussion and Q&A, followed by the always popular coffee with an executive roundtable. After our lunchtime awards ceremony, attendees will learn techniques for communicating with credibility and then develop a game plan for applying these practices in their own life.
One of the afternoon speakers is Kim Walesh, San Jose’s Director of Economic Development and Deputy City Manager, the nation’s 10th largest city and Capital of Silicon Valley. Prior to joining San Jose, Kim was Co-Founder and Managing Director of Collaborative Economics–a Silicon Valley-based consultancy that works with business and civic leaders to build stronger economies and better communities. Kim is co-author of the books Grassroots Leaders for a New Economy: How Civic Entrepreneurs Build Prosperous Communities and Civic Revolutionaries: Igniting the Passion for Change in American Communities.
Credibility and confidence go hand in hand. What are some of the factors that cause women to lack confidence? How does our self-doubt prevent us from achieving our potential? In this session Kim Walesh, San José Deputy City Manager and Chief Strategist, will present some interesting findings from the popular book, “The Confidence Code,” as well as other resources. She will lead a discussion about how this affects our lives and careers and together we will brainstorm ideas to overcome our self-doubt. Join us for this interactive discussion that may lead to some breakout ideas to boost your confidence!
Register online at mmanc.org
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Registration opens at 8:00 am
Event starts at 9:00 am
Parkside Hall
180 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95113